The Ultimate Comparison: Todoist vs. vs. Microsoft To-Do


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Discover which to-do list app reigns supreme in our comprehensive comparison of Todoist,, and Microsoft To-Do. Find the perfect task management solution for your needs.

The Ultimate Comparison: Todoist vs. vs. Microsoft To-Do

Hey there, productivity enthusiasts! Did you know that using a to-do list app can boost your productivity by up to 40%? That’s right – a simple digital tool can make a world of difference in how you manage your tasks and time. But here’s the million-dollar question: which app should you choose?

Todoist,, and Microsoft To-Do are all popular choices, but they each have their own unique flavors. Todoist is known for its clean interface and powerful features, boasts a beautiful design and intuitive use, while Microsoft To-Do leverages its integration with the Microsoft ecosystem. But which one will work best for you? That’s what we’re here to find out!

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the core features and differences between Todoist,, and Microsoft To-Do
  • Learn how each app approaches task management, collaboration, and integration
  • Discover which app offers the best value for money and suits different user needs
  • Get insights into the mobile experience and unique selling points of each app
  • Find out which app might be the perfect fit for your productivity style and requirements

Overview of Each App

Before we start comparing features, let’s get to know our contenders a little better. Think of this as the pre-game introductions before the big match!

Todoist: The Productivity Powerhouse

Todoist has been around since 2007, which makes it something of a veteran in the world of to-do apps. Created by Doist, a company that’s all about remote work and productivity, Todoist has evolved into a robust task management tool that caters to both individuals and teams.

Key features:

  • Natural language input for quick task creation
  • Karma system to gamify productivity
  • Powerful recurring task options
  • Extensive third-party integrations

Todoist is like that super-organized friend who always seems to have their life together. It’s targeted at professionals, teams, and anyone who loves to have a structured approach to their tasks. The Sleek Simplifier burst onto the scene in 2011 and quickly gained popularity for its sleek, minimalist design. It’s the brainchild of a team that wanted to make task management beautiful and accessible.

Key features:

  • Clean, intuitive interface
  • Location-based reminders
  • Daily “Moment” for task review
  • Seamless sync across devices is like the cool, artsy friend who makes organization look effortless. It’s perfect for those who want a visually appealing app that doesn’t skimp on functionality.

Microsoft To-Do: The Integrated Organizer

Microsoft To-Do is the new kid on the block, launched in 2017. But don’t let its youth fool you – it’s backed by the tech giant Microsoft and was built to replace the popular Wunderlist app.

Key features:

  • Seamless integration with Microsoft 365
  • My Day feature for daily focus
  • Suggested tasks based on your habits
  • Simple, clean design

Microsoft To-Do is like that efficient coworker who always knows where every file is. It’s ideal for those already in the Microsoft ecosystem or anyone looking for a straightforward, no-frills task manager.

User Interface and Design

Alright, let’s talk looks! The user interface is like the front door of a house – it’s the first thing you see, and it sets the tone for your entire experience. So, how do our contenders stack up in the style department?

Todoist: The Minimalist Maven

Todoist takes a “less is more” approach to design. When you open the app, you’re greeted with a clean, uncluttered interface that’s all business. The color scheme is mostly neutral, with splashes of color used strategically to highlight important elements.

What I love about Todoist’s design is how it uses white space effectively. It’s like walking into a well-organized office – everything has its place, and nothing feels cluttered. The left sidebar houses your projects and labels, while the main area displays your tasks. It’s intuitive and easy on the eyes.

One cool feature is the ability to customize the theme. Whether you prefer a light, dark, or neutral look, Todoist has got you covered. It’s like being able to repaint your office with a single click! The Beautiful Simplifier takes the cake when it comes to visual appeal. It’s like the Instagram influencer of to-do apps – everything just looks good. The interface is clean, with a light and airy feel that makes task management feel less like a chore and more like a breeze.

The app uses a card-based design, which gives each task or list its own space. It’s very tactile – you almost feel like you could reach out and touch your tasks. The color scheme is mostly white and light blue, which gives it a fresh, calming vibe.

One of’s standout design features is its “Moment” review, which presents your daily tasks in a beautifully animated, full-screen view. It’s like having a personal assistant gently reminding you of your day’s priorities.

Microsoft To-Do: The Familiar Friend

Microsoft To-Do takes a middle ground approach to design. It’s clean and modern, but with a familiar feel that’ll be comfortable for long-time Microsoft users. The interface is simple and straightforward, with a left sidebar for lists and a main area for tasks.

What sets Microsoft To-Do apart is its use of background images. You can choose from a variety of beautiful photos to personalize your lists. It’s like having a different view from your office window for each project!

The app also features a “My Day” view, which presents a fresh, focused list each day. It’s like having a clean whiteboard to plan your day, every day.


If Todoist is a sleek, modern office, is a trendy co-working space, and Microsoft To-Do is your comfortable home office. Todoist offers the most customization, the most visual appeal, and Microsoft To-Do the most familiar and comfortable experience.

Personally, I find Todoist’s interface the most productive,’s the most pleasing to look at, and Microsoft To-Do’s the most approachable. But hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?

Task Management Features

Now we’re getting to the meat and potatoes of these apps – how they actually help you manage your tasks. After all, a to-do app can look pretty, but if it can’t help you get things done, what’s the point?

Creating and Organizing Tasks


Todoist shines when it comes to task creation and organization. Its natural language input is a game-changer. You can type “Submit report every Friday at 3pm” and boom – Todoist understands and creates a recurring task for you. It’s like having a smart assistant who just gets you. Tasks can be organized into projects and sub-projects, and you can use labels for even more granular organization. It’s like having a filing cabinet where every drawer and folder is exactly where you expect it to be. keeps things simple but effective. You can quickly add tasks to different lists, and its voice input feature is pretty nifty. It’s like having a notepad that writes down your thoughts as you speak them.

One cool feature is the ability to organize tasks into lists, and then further categorize them as “Today,” “Tomorrow,” “Upcoming,” or “Someday.” It’s like having a timeline view of your tasks, which can be really helpful for planning.

Microsoft To-Do:

Microsoft To-Do takes a straightforward approach to task creation. You can easily add tasks to different lists, and the “My Day” feature lets you plan your day each morning. It’s like starting each day with a fresh to-do list tailored just for that day.

The app also has a neat “Suggested tasks” feature that learns from your habits and suggests tasks you might want to add to your day. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows your routines!

Setting Due Dates and Reminders


Todoist’s date parsing is top-notch. You can set due dates using natural language like “next Wednesday” or “every other Friday,” and the app understands perfectly. Reminders can be set for specific times, and you can even set location-based reminders in the premium version. It’s like having a time-traveling assistant who always knows when and where you need to do something! offers flexible options for setting due dates and reminders. You can easily set recurring tasks, and the location-based reminders are available even in the free version. The “Moment” feature, which prompts you to review your tasks for the day, is a unique and helpful touch. It’s like having a daily check-in with your to-do list.

Microsoft To-Do:

Microsoft To-Do keeps things simple with straightforward due date and reminder settings. While it might not have all the bells and whistles of Todoist, it gets the job done efficiently. The integration with Outlook means your tasks can show up in your calendar, which is super handy if you’re a Microsoft 365 user. It’s like having your to-do list and your calendar in perfect sync.

Recurring Tasks and Subtasks


Todoist is the king of recurring tasks. You can set tasks to repeat in incredibly flexible ways – every 3 days, every second Tuesday, every weekday, you name it. Subtasks are also a breeze to create and manage. It’s like having a robot that automatically regenerates your to-do list based on your schedule. handles recurring tasks well, though not with quite as much flexibility as Todoist. You can easily create subtasks, and the drag-and-drop interface makes organizing them a breeze. It’s like having a stack of sticky notes that you can easily rearrange and group together.

Microsoft To-Do:

Microsoft To-Do supports basic recurring tasks and subtasks. While it might not have all the advanced options of Todoist, it covers the basics well. The ability to add steps (subtasks) to any task is straightforward and intuitive. It’s like having a simple checklist that you can expand as needed.

In the task management arena, Todoist is like a Swiss Army knife – it has a tool for every situation. is like a well-crafted paintbrush – it makes task management feel fluid and natural. Microsoft To-Do is like a reliable hammer – it might not have all the fancy features, but it gets the job done effectively.

Collaboration and Sharing

In today’s interconnected world, the ability to collaborate and share tasks is crucial. Whether you’re working on a team project or just trying to divvy up household chores, these features can make a big difference. Let’s see how our contenders handle teamwork!

Todoist: The Collaboration Champion

Todoist really shines when it comes to collaboration. It’s like having a virtual project room where everyone can see the big picture and their individual responsibilities.

Team collaboration features:

  • Shared projects: You can invite people to join your projects, assign tasks to team members, and set permissions.
  • Comments and file attachments: Discuss tasks right where they live and attach relevant documents.
  • Activity log: See who did what and when, keeping everyone accountable.

What I love about Todoist’s collaboration features is how seamlessly they integrate with the rest of the app. Whether you’re working solo or with a team, the experience feels consistent. It’s like your personal to-do list grew up and got a job! The Social Organizer takes a more casual approach to collaboration, which can be great for personal sharing or small team projects.

Sharing capabilities:

  • Shared lists: Invite others to view and edit your lists.
  • Task assignment: Assign tasks to others within shared lists.
  • Real-time sync: Changes appear instantly for all shared list members.’s collaboration feels more like a shared notepad than a full project management tool. It’s perfect for things like grocery lists with your partner or planning a trip with friends. The interface for sharing is simple and intuitive – it’s like passing a note in class, but way more organized!

Microsoft To-Do: The Team Player

Microsoft To-Do leverages its integration with the Microsoft ecosystem to offer solid collaboration features.

Microsoft To-Do’s approach to shared lists:

  • Shared lists: Create and share lists with others.
  • Task assignment: Assign tasks to individuals within shared lists.
  • Microsoft 365 integration: Seamless sharing with Outlook contacts and teams.

The standout feature here is how well it plays with other Microsoft tools. If you’re already using Outlook or Microsoft Teams, sharing tasks feels like a natural extension of your workflow. It’s like having your to-do list built right into your digital office!


If we’re talking collaboration, Todoist is like a well-oiled machine – it’s built for teamwork and handles it with finesse. is more like a friendly group chat – casual, easy to use, but maybe not quite as robust for large projects. Microsoft To-Do is like the reliable coworker who always has their files in order – it might not be flashy, but it gets the job done, especially if you’re in the Microsoft ecosystem.

For serious team projects, Todoist is hard to beat. For casual sharing and family organization, shines. And if you’re all-in on Microsoft tools, To-Do’s integration makes it a strong contender.

Remember, the best collaboration tool is the one that everyone will actually use. So consider your team’s needs and tech-savviness when making your choice!

Integration with Other Tools

In today’s digital world, our apps need to play nice with others. It’s like being at a party – the most popular guests are the ones who get along with everyone! Let’s see how our to-do list apps mingle with other tools.

Todoist: The Social Butterfly

Todoist is like that friend who seems to know everyone. Its list of integrations is impressive, to say the least.

Todoist’s ecosystem and third-party integrations:

  • Productivity tools: Integrates with Slack, Dropbox, Google Calendar, and more.
  • Email: Works with Gmail, Outlook, and other email clients.
  • Smart home: Connects with Amazon Alexa and Google Home.
  • Developers: Offers API access for custom integrations.

What I love about Todoist’s integrations is how they allow you to create a seamless productivity ecosystem. You can create tasks from emails, add files from Dropbox, or even ask Alexa to add something to your shopping list. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s friends with all your other apps! The Friendly Neighbor might not have as extensive a list as Todoist, but it covers the basics well and has some unique integrations of its own.’s connectivity with other apps and services:

  • Calendar sync: Works with Google Calendar, Outlook, and more.
  • Smart home: Integrates with Amazon Alexa and Siri.
  • Email: Can pull tasks from your email.
  • WhatsApp: Unique integration for creating tasks from WhatsApp messages.’s WhatsApp integration is pretty cool – it’s like having a secretary who can take notes from your chat messages. The calendar sync is also robust, making it easy to see your tasks alongside your appointments.

Microsoft To-Do: The Team Player

Microsoft To-Do’s strength lies in its deep integration with the Microsoft ecosystem.

Microsoft To-Do’s integration within the Microsoft ecosystem:

– Outlook: Syncs tasks with Outlook Tasks.

– Microsoft 365: Integrates with other Microsoft apps and services.

– Cortana: Voice control through Microsoft’s digital assistant.

If you’re all-in on Microsoft products, To-Do feels less like a separate app and more like an extension of your existing tools. It’s like having a to-do list built right into your digital office!

Cross-platform availability and synchronization:

All three apps offer solid cross-platform support:

– Todoist: Available on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and as a web app.

– Supports Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and web.

– Microsoft To-Do: Works on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and web.

Sync is reliable across all three, though Todoist and might have a slight edge in terms of speed.

In the integration game, Todoist is like a Swiss Army knife – it has a

Certainly! Let’s continue with the integration comparison and move on to the remaining sections of our article.

In the integration game, Todoist is like a Swiss Army knife – it has a tool for every job. is like a friendly neighbor who’s always ready to lend a hand, while Microsoft To-Do is the reliable colleague who knows all the ins and outs of the office systems.

Your choice here really depends on what other tools you use regularly. If you’re a power user who loves connecting everything, Todoist might be your best bet. If you’re looking for something simpler with good calendar integration, could be perfect. And if you’re deep in the Microsoft ecosystem, To-Do’s seamless integration could be a game-changer for you.

Pricing and Plans

Now, let’s talk money. After all, we all love a good deal, right? Let’s break down what you get for free and what you’ll need to shell out for in each app.

Todoist: The Premium Player

Todoist operates on a freemium model, offering a solid free plan and a more feature-rich premium option.

Free features:

– Up to 5 active projects

– 5 collaborators per project

– Basic task management features

Premium features ($3-4/month, billed annually):

– 300 active projects

– 25 collaborators per project

– Reminders

– Labels and filters

– Activity log

– Automatic backups

Todoist’s free plan is like a starter home – it’s got the basics covered, but you might find yourself wanting more room as your task list grows. The premium plan, on the other hand, is like moving into a spacious loft with all the amenities. The Flexible Friend also uses a freemium model, with a generous free plan and a premium tier that unlocks more features.

Free features:

– Basic task management

– Limited daily “Moment” planning

– Limited collaboration

Premium features ($2.99-5.99/month, depending on plan):

– Unlimited “Moment” planning

– Location-based reminders

– Customizable recurring tasks

– Unlimited sharing

– Themes and customization’s pricing is like a build-your-own sundae bar – you can stick with the basic vanilla for free, or add all the toppings with the premium plan.

Microsoft To-Do: The Freebie

Microsoft To-Do takes a different approach – it’s completely free with a Microsoft account.

Features (all free):

– Unlimited tasks and lists

– File attachments (up to 25MB per task)

– Shared lists

– Integration with Outlook and other Microsoft services

Microsoft To-Do is like a gift with purchase – if you’re already using Microsoft products, it’s a nice freebie that comes along for the ride.

Value for Money Analysis:

If we’re talking pure bang for your buck, Microsoft To-Do is hard to beat – it’s free and offers solid functionality. However, if you need more advanced features, Todoist’s premium plan offers a lot of value for its price. sits in the middle, offering a good balance of features at a reasonable price point.

Remember, though, the best value isn’t always about the lowest price – it’s about getting the features you need at a price you’re comfortable with. It’s like buying shoes – the most expensive pair isn’t always the best, but the cheapest might leave you with blisters!

Mobile App Experience

In today’s on-the-go world, a great mobile app can make or break a to-do list tool. Let’s see how our contenders perform when they leave the desktop and jump into your pocket!

Todoist: The Power User’s Dream

Todoist’s mobile app is like a mini-computer in your pocket. It offers almost all the functionality of the desktop version, wrapped up in a sleek, mobile-friendly package.

Mobile app features and performance:

– Quick add task button for easy input

– Powerful natural language processing

– Gesture controls for quick task management

– Widgets for at-a-glance task views

What I love about Todoist’s mobile app is how it makes complex task management feel simple on a small screen. It’s like having a personal assistant who can understand your hurried, on-the-go instructions and translate them into perfectly organized tasks. The Stylish Organizer’s mobile app is where its beautiful design really shines. It’s like carrying a piece of modern art in your pocket – but one that actually helps you get stuff done!

Mobile app capabilities:

– Clean, intuitive interface

– Location-based reminders

– Voice input for hands-free task creation

– Smart suggestions as you type

The standout feature of’s mobile app is its “Moment” feature, which gives you a beautiful, full-screen review of your daily tasks. It’s like having a mini-meditation session with your to-do list every morning!

Microsoft To-Do: The Reliable Companion

Microsoft To-Do’s mobile app keeps things simple and straightforward, much like its desktop counterpart.

Mobile experience:

– Clean, uncluttered interface

– Easy task creation and list management

– My Day feature for daily planning

– Syncs seamlessly with other devices

While it might not have all the bells and whistles of Todoist or the artistic flair of, Microsoft To-Do’s mobile app gets the job done efficiently. It’s like having a no-nonsense personal organizer in your pocket.

Comparison of mobile functionalities:

All three apps offer solid mobile experiences, but they each have their strengths. Todoist wins for power users who want desktop-level functionality on mobile. takes the crown for design and user experience. Microsoft To-Do shines in its simplicity and seamless integration with other Microsoft mobile apps.

In terms of performance, all three are generally snappy and reliable. Todoist and might have a slight edge in terms of offline functionality, but Microsoft To-Do is no slouch either.

Remember, the best mobile app is the one you’ll actually use. So consider your own habits – do you prefer power features, beautiful design, or straightforward simplicity when you’re on the go?

Unique Selling Points

Every app has its special sauce – that unique feature or approach that sets it apart from the crowd. Let’s look at what makes each of our contenders special.

Todoist: The Productivity Powerhouse

Todoist’s standout features:

– Karma system: Gamifies your productivity with points and levels

– Natural language input: Understands complex commands like “every 3rd Monday”

– Projects and sub-projects: Allows for deep task organization

What I love about Todoist’s unique features is how they cater to people who really want to optimize their productivity. The Karma system turns task completion into a game, which can be surprisingly motivating. It’s like having a personal coach cheering you on every time you check off a task! The Lifestyle Organizer’s unique offerings:

– Moment: Daily review of tasks in a beautiful, focused interface

– Location-based reminders: Tasks pop up when you’re in the right place

– Smart Suggest: AI-powered task suggestions based on your habits’s Moment feature is truly unique. It’s like having a daily check-in with yourself, ensuring you’re on track with your goals. The location-based reminders are also super handy – it’s like having a friend who reminds you to pick up milk right when you pass by the grocery store!

Microsoft To-Do: The Integrated Task Manager

Microsoft To-Do’s distinguishing factors:

– My Day: Fresh start every day with a curated to-do list

– Suggested tasks: AI-powered recommendations based on your Outlook emails and previous tasks

– Seamless Outlook integration: Tasks sync perfectly with your Outlook calendar and emails

The My Day feature in Microsoft To-Do is a standout. It’s like wiping the slate clean every morning and focusing only on what’s important for that day. And if you’re an Outlook user, the integration is so seamless it feels like To-Do is just an extension of your email.

Each app has its own flavor, and your preference will depend on what resonates with your personal productivity style. Todoist is for the productivity enthusiast who loves data and optimization. is for those who appreciate beauty in their organization and like a more lifestyle-oriented approach. Microsoft To-Do is perfect for those who live in the Microsoft ecosystem and want a no-fuss, integrated solution.

User Reviews and Ratings

Let’s take a peek at what the crowd is saying about these apps. After all, sometimes the best way to judge a product is by listening to the people who use it every day.

Todoist: The People’s Champ

Analysis of user feedback:

– App Store rating: 4.8/5

– Google Play Store rating: 4.5/5

Users love Todoist for its powerful features and clean interface. Many praise its natural language input and cross-platform syncing. The Karma system is also a hit among users who enjoy gamification.

Common praise:

“Todoist has changed my life. I’m so much more organized now!”

“The natural language input is a game-changer. It’s like the app reads my mind!”

Common complaints:

Some users find the learning curve a bit steep, and others wish the free plan had more features. The Beautiful Organizer

User opinions:

– App Store rating: 4.5/5

– Google Play Store rating: 4.3/5

Users appreciate for its beautiful design and intuitive interface. The Moment feature and location-based reminders receive a lot of positive feedback.

Common praise:

“ is so pretty, it actually makes me want to organize my tasks!”

“The Moment feature helps me start each day feeling focused and in control.”

Common complaints:

Some users report occasional syncing issues, and others wish for more advanced features in the free version.

Microsoft To-Do: The Reliable Assistant

User satisfaction levels:

– App Store rating: 4.6/5

– Google Play Store rating: 4.4/5

Microsoft To-Do users appreciate its simplicity and seamless integration with other Microsoft products. The My Day feature is particularly popular.

Common praise:

“It’s simple, it works, and it syncs perfectly with my Outlook calendar. What more could I ask for?”

“The My Day feature helps me focus on what’s important without getting overwhelmed.”

Common complaints:

Some users wish for more advanced features, while others occasionally report syncing delays with Outlook.

Overall, all three apps enjoy high ratings and positive user feedback. The choice often comes down to personal preference and specific needs. It’s like choosing a favorite coffee shop – they might all serve great coffee, but you’ll probably have a favorite based on the overall vibe and how it fits into your routine.

Pros and Cons

Let’s break it down to the nitty-gritty. Every app has its strengths and weaknesses, and knowing these can help you make the best choice for your needs.



– Powerful features for complex task management

– Excellent natural language input

– Strong collaboration tools

– Extensive third-party integrations

– Motivating Karma system


– Can be overwhelming for casual users

– Some advanced features locked behind premium plan

– Steeper learning curve compared to simpler apps


– Beautiful, intuitive design

– Unique Moment feature for daily planning

– Good balance of simplicity and features

– Strong mobile experience

– Location-based reminders


– Fewer integrations compared to Todoist

– Some users report occasional syncing issues

– Premium plan required for some basic features like recurring tasks

Microsoft To-Do:


– Free with Microsoft account

– Seamless integration with Microsoft 365

– Simple, straightforward interface

– My Day feature for daily focus

– Regular updates and improvements


– Fewer features compared to Todoist and

– Limited customization options

– Primarily beneficial for those in the Microsoft ecosystem

Which App is Right for You?

Alright, we’ve covered a lot of ground! Now, let’s help you figure out which of these task-taming titans might be your perfect match.

Best scenarios for choosing Todoist:

– You’re a productivity enthusiast who loves optimizing your workflow

– You need to manage complex projects with multiple team members

– You want an app that integrates with a wide variety of other tools

– You appreciate a gamified approach to task completion

Ideal use cases for

– You value beautiful design and intuitive user interfaces

– You want a balance between simplicity and functionality

– You like the idea of a daily task review (the Moment feature)

– Location-based reminders are important to you

When Microsoft To-Do is the perfect fit:

– You’re already using Microsoft 365 products like Outlook

– You prefer a simple, no-frills approach to task management

– You want a free solution that still offers solid functionality

– You like the idea of starting each day with a fresh to-do list

Decision-making factors based on user needs and preferences:

– Complexity of your tasks: If you’re managing complex projects, Todoist might be your best bet. For simpler task lists, or Microsoft To-Do could be perfect.

– Design preferences: If you’re inspired by beautiful interfaces, shines. For a more utilitarian look, consider Todoist or Microsoft To-Do.

– Integration needs: Heavy Microsoft user? Go for To-Do. Need lots of third-party integrations? Todoist is your friend.

– Budget: If free is your magic number, Microsoft To-Do offers the most features without cost.

– Collaboration requirements: For serious team task management, Todoist leads the pack.

Remember, the best to-do app is the one you’ll actually use. It’s like finding the perfect running shoes – they need to fit well, suit your style, and help you perform at your best.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Can I use Todoist,, or Microsoft To-Do for free?

Yes, all three apps offer free versions. Todoist and have freemium models with basic features available for free and advanced features requiring a subscription. Microsoft To-Do is completely free with a Microsoft account.

2. Which app offers the best team collaboration features?

Todoist generally offers the most robust collaboration features, allowing for shared projects, task assignment, and comments. and Microsoft To-Do also offer basic sharing and collaboration, but Todoist is typically considered the strongest for team use.

3. How do these apps handle recurring tasks and reminders?

All three apps support recurring tasks and reminders. Todoist offers the most flexibility in setting up complex recurring patterns. and Microsoft To-Do offer simpler but still effective recurring task options.

4. Can I access Todoist,, and Microsoft To-Do on multiple devices?

Yes, all three apps offer cross-platform support and can be accessed on desktop (Windows and Mac) and mobile devices (iOS and Android), as well as through web browsers.

5. Which app has the best natural language input for quick task creation?

Todoist is widely recognized for its excellent natural language processing, allowing for complex task creation using everyday language. also offers natural language input, while Microsoft To-Do’s capabilities are more basic in this area.

6. Are there any limitations on the number of tasks I can create in these apps?

In the free versions, Todoist limits you to 80 active projects and 5 people per project. and Microsoft To-Do don’t have specific limits on the number of tasks or projects in their free versions.

7. How do Todoist,, and Microsoft To-Do handle task prioritization?

Todoist uses a priority system with four levels. allows you to mark tasks as important and offers a drag-and-drop interface for prioritization. Microsoft To-Do lets you mark tasks as important and offers a My Day feature for daily prioritization.

8. Can I import my existing to-do lists into these apps?

Yes, all three apps offer import features. Todoist and can import from a variety of other to-do apps and formats. Microsoft To-Do can import from Wunderlist (which it replaced) and syncs with Outlook tasks.

9. Which app offers the best data export options for backup or switching?

Todoist offers the most comprehensive export options, allowing you to export your data in various formats. and Microsoft To-Do also offer data export features, but they might be more limited in terms of format options.

10. How do these apps compare in terms of offline functionality?

All three apps offer offline functionality, allowing you to view and edit your tasks without an internet connection. They will sync changes when you’re back online. Todoist and generally offer more robust offline capabilities compared to Microsoft To-Do.

And there you have it, folks! A comprehensive comparison of Todoist,, and Microsoft To-Do. Remember, the best to-do app is the one that fits seamlessly into your life and helps you stay on top of your tasks. Whether you’re a power user, a design enthusiast, or just looking for something simple and effective, there’s an app here for you. Happy organizing!



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